21 August 2010

Smallish update

So Jan (or sewgirl to me ;) ) asked if I had been doing any sewing recently.  And truth be told I haven't had enough time to do much.  The projects I am working on right now really need a little more time than a little time after school. 

Plus we are moving, so I need to be packing!! Today will probably be my last day to sew until we get all moved in :( I have gotten some stuff done, seen some fabric that was in a box and found so many things I want to do with it!!

Here is some thing I have had since 2005, I bought it, and started it for a friend (I had) who loves animal print.  We aren't friends anymore and I want to get rid of it!  So I will finish it up and sell it on etsy!

 This is Pepé helping me lay it out to make sure I did it right!
 Isn't he such a good helper!! and SO darn cute!
And here they both are! my little trouble makers!

Speaking of etsy, I have been buying satin binding (that was only .50c/yard) at Jo-Ann's.  I only bought a few yards, so the blankets aren't very big, but they would work for a small child or as a doll blanket.

My etsy shop

This little blanket is 18" x 18", the pink side is cotton and the back is fleece.  As a side note, the pink fabric was actually a sheet I bought when I lived in France!  My first host family was a little crazy and said that I needed to supply my own sheets!  needless to say I didn't live there long, but couldn't give up this HUGE piece of fabric!

I LOVED the spongebob Satin binding!!

I have another fleece with satin binding blanket to sew, and a bunch of other binding, but I am thinking those will have to wait until after we move.

I also have another project I will be starting once we move.  It's for my grandma.  She has these thelwell shirts a very good friend of her made for her, and they had been sitting in a box in her basement.  So we talked about making it into a wall hanging for her.  I will post pictures as I get working on it.  ALSO I have a tee-shirt quilt for my sister and my husband to get done.  I think I will have the room/time/space to do that once we move also!  My sisters would be great if I could get it done before I see her again!

I think that's all that I have gotten done lately.  OH! I did buy some fabrics the last time I went into Jo-Ann'

BUT it was all remnants! which are SO my weakness!! I can get such a selection of fabrics and for so cheap!

I hope you are having a happy weekend!


  1. Hello, Word Buddie!! Looks like you've got a lot going on. I love remnants, too!! I am so happy for you about Etsy, can't wait to hop over there and check it out! Would love to hear more about your time in France!(hint, hint;))

  2. I hope that some more sells so I can make a little money on the side :) it sure would help fund more sewing projects ;)

    I am not sure how I would fit a post about France in here with sewing, but I am sure I can find a way somehow :)


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