02 August 2010

Changed my layout

Ok so this really doesn't have anything to do with sewing, but I changed my layout.  What do you think?  What do you like? What do you not like?

Thanks for your opinions!


I am sorry but due to not wanting crazies here, you must log in to comment.  If you come from LJ you should be able to use your OpenID log in.  And it shouldn't take much to sign up and comment.  Sorry if it's annoying! it's just one way I can kind of make sure I don't have spam comments and such


  1. i like the new layout....it looks neat! cool photo!

  2. It was actually a blogger picture! Maybe I can make a background of my sewing items someday!

  3. Thankyou for your comments on my post! I tried to reply, but somehow couldn't? I'm so slow on learning this computer stuff. Lol. I bought a lot of fabric in the past, and it's time to use it up! Can't wait to see more of what you do. :) Have a great night! jan

  4. That's odd it wouldn't let you reply! I had to change my settings so comments were emailed to me, cause otherwise I had no way of knowing!!

    I used to think I had a lot of fabric, and I do still have a lot of flannels, but I don't have half as much fabric as I did!!

    I was thinking that I wouldn't have much to post about in the coming days, but I realized that I actually have a few finished projects (that I posted the start of on here) that I need to post pictures of!


I would love it if you would leave me a comment!