06 August 2010

Finished work!

I was reading through some older entries, and although I post pictures of the project as I go along, I don't always get a final project picture posted!  So these are some finished projects pictures.

 So these are Becca while she was sewing (her first time!)
 And here she is with her finished quilt.  You can tell it's not HUGE, but it should be nice for watching TV or something.
 Here is the quilt I did for (one of) my husband's grandmas.  I added a small border around it.  And the back is fleece (I will get a picture of that soon.  We picked out a black and white design.
 this is one of my favorite pictures.  I love seeing the surprise on her face!

And here she is with the finished quilt.

So those are a few things that I have finished and not shared with y'all!

Well off to lunch with my grandma!  Maybe I will post pictures of HER quilt (the first one I made for someone else - ohh! wayback machine might be coming out with pictures of old projects!)


  1. Oh, I hope you had the BEST time with your Grandma!! Cherish every moment. Love the looks on the faces of both these sweet ladies. One says, "Look what I've done," and the other says, "For me? Really? Oh, I love it!" You can tell how pleased they both are, and from this I can see what a blessing you are to both! :)
    ttyl, jan

  2. My grandma and I usually have a good time!!

    It is nice to be able to give them gifts that will hopefully be around for quite a while! and that mean something to them!


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