25 October 2012


So I went through all my fabrics/projects to figure out what I have that needs to be finished and to to find a way to finish it. I added the year that I started the quilt. I am hoping to get a lot of these finished soon! Probably next year after I get my Christmas presents done.

Spools - add brown to sides/top, quilt (2010)
Two panel, decide what to do (2010)
UNI quilt, finish putting blocks together, quilt (2010)
Floral blocks - decide what to do. Was going to try a quillow (2009)
One panel - table runner - not sure how to finish it. (2009)
Pinwheel quilt along - finish blocks, put it together. (2010)
Maverick stars - add row of triangles, quilt (2011)
Indiana quilt exchange - quilt (2011)
Pique nique quilt - add a back, quilt (2010)
HS tee shirt quilt interfacing. (2012)
Binding on prequilted material (2005)
X-blocks - quilt (2010)
Chinese coins (2011)
Christmas/thanksgiving runner (2009)
Sudoku quilt, no clue what to do. To quilt it possibly use a different design in each block. (2011)

1 comment:

  1. It always makes me feel better just to have a list to work from!


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