02 October 2012

Mini design board!

We haven't found a permanent place to live yet, so I don't want to put up a full design wall.  But I found this GREAT tutorial to make mini design boards!

Mini design Board! from bee in my bonnet!

I love it, because Minnie likes to sit in my space next to my sewing machine, and my ironing board is on the other, so I have to roll all around trying to get a block put together!  This way I can leave it in my lap or even on my ironing board.

In the tutorial she made them 10x10 so she was able to get 6 from one board.  Well most blocks I make are around 12" so I wanted it a little bigger.  I made one board 15.5" (that foam board is hard to cut!) and one 14", so I only got two!

It took FOREVER because the tube of fabric I did for the border took forever to turn right side out.  I thought about it, next time I am just using ribbon!!

Here is my board!

Here is my board with a block on it! I can't wait!


  1. i am in the process of making a design board of my own. i note from lori's directions that u don't have to turn the tube inside out, check the tutorial again. u just fold the strip to the middle on both sides and zigzag down the middle. are u on twitter? if so, please follow me: i am "eileensideways".

  2. I know the tube wasn't required. But my main machine doesn't have a zig zag stitch.


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