23 September 2015

Harry Potter mini quilt swap

I have loved Harry Potter since it came out, first the books, then the movies.  There was a mini quilt swap for Harry Potter, so I had to sign up!

This is what I made my partner.  A mini with the crest.  I also sent along some gryffindor goodies.

Here is what my partner sent me!  She made the wrapping paper herself!! and look at those adorable cross stitch characters!!

 Here is my mini, the picture is kind of crappy because I took the picture in my car, and I keep forgetting to take a picture in the house!  She said this was her first mini and I think she did LOVELY!!!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific quote to have on a mini! I loved the Harry Potter era, too - we lucked out perfectly with the timing of it all, getting the first book as a gift from Nana to our first daughter at age 5 when it first came out and wasn't a known item yet. We read it out loud together as a family every night, and each successive book as it arrived. The kids grew as the books got more serious, and the opening nights of the last movies coincided with the older girls' high school years. Couldn't have been more perfect for maximum family enjoyment. :)


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