25 April 2011

Quilt for grandma

So my grandma has these shirts that a good friend of hers embroidered, and they have been sitting in a box, and so we decided that a quilt would be a good way for her to still have them as opposed to sitting in a box.

There are 7 shirts, so I had to add some patchwork (of my own) to it.  And Grandma didn't know what kind of design to do.  So I made up a few for her to look at.

None of these designs are set in stone.  This was me playing around in photoshop, just getting some ideas.
This is a rail fence block.  I probably wouldn't make it so scrappy.  I don't like it scrappy as much.

This is a snail's block.  I LOVE the snail's trail block!  So I had to throw one of those in there :)

And this is the snails trail, but with a few of them put together.

And a simple nine patch.

And a pinwheel.  I love pinwheels :) I think this is the one that grandma likes best.  But with the border of the second one, except in red & white instead of the green & white.

What do you all think? what would you have done?

1 comment:

  1. Hi, my name is Becky, my mom was the one that embroidered those shirts for you grandma. I remember her working on them. It was a labor of love for her. They were very good friends, best friends. Whenever my mom told a story about your grandma it always ended in loud uncontrollable laughter. I am so happy you will be making those shirts into a quilt. It is so fitting as my mother loved to quilt as well! I can't wait to see what you decide to do!


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