01 June 2010

Sewing day 2

Ok so this isn't EXACTLY my second day sewing, but it's close enough ;) I got a lot done in my quilt exchange, and found about five other projects I want to start ;)So I realize the above blocks are almost identical, but the one on top originally was going to have some more HSTs, but I decided to just leave it. . .I don't like this one as much as the one I did for my pinwheel quilt (above)BUT I like this one BETTER than my block I did similar to this.
I accidentally forgot to make this one bigger (since it's only 3 blocks across instead of 4) so I added a little border.

I am up to 12 blocks, I want to make 16, but the white for the border I am almost done with it :/ I have plenty of the others left. I just hope it's enough to make the last four blocks!

I have been working on my maverick stars some more, I am still not sure what I will do with them, they are too big for sashing, and I don't like them put together, so I thought about adding a sashing, or doing them as a nine block. We'll see!


  1. Melissa,
    These are some fantastic blocks. Love all the pinwheels in motion and the patriotic fabric choices!! You SEW, girl!

  2. those actually aren't my fabric choices, it's from the bag lady quilt exchange from our yahoo group!


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