03 October 2010

WOW!! I've been a sewing fool!!!

I have been crazy sewing this weekend!! I went through THREE bobbins!! Well maybe not through, but I used 2 bobbins and had to pop in my third before I could finish up what I wanted to tonight!

Part of me is frustrated that I don't have more DONE since I spent so much time sewing.  But really I did get a lot done, just no projects FINISHED.  they are very close! And I will finish them up this week!

The first picture I have to show is from the fabric exchange I did.  (my first entry about it is here) You stuffed as much fabric as possible into a gallon size bag, send it to someone, then someone sends you fabric, you make a top with theirs and they make a top with yours and then you send the finished top to them.

I enjoyed making the quilt, the fabrics really came together well for a pinwheel sampler I think.  I wish I would have had a little more of the cream to be able to make it a little bit bigger.

So I got that sent off but I received some fabric! which I already showed you, but it's been cut up and sewn, but it's not all finished yet, so you get a mini teaser pic.  They are cut into 5" squares, I did have to add my own fabric, is the purple in the top left corner, the color's not perfect.  I need to charge my digital camera battery!

And the last thing is probably the thing I am MOST excited about!

I have been working on these "maverick" or wonky stars for a while and had NO clue what to do with them! (original pictures here)
 Because of the fall into fall give away, I found another blogger who did make a wonky stars quilt, and I loved how hers looked, not quite as scrappy, but very cool!  I commented on her post here) and she emailed me back, and I showed her mine, and she suggested I stagger them.  And this is what I got! it's kind of hard to see since they aren't all sewed together, but I used different sized sashings! I quite like it. . .I am not sure what I will do with it yet!

And here is a close up, you can kind of see the wonky-ness here! I was so excited to finally have something to do with this!

The other thing I worked on this weekend I was my Halloween quilt. . .except after sewing about 5 more blocks I cut them out backwards :( so I got a little discouraged with that. . .so maybe I will finish it next weekend. . .I think I am going to put that for sale when it's done.

I can't wait to see what you all have been working on!

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