17 October 2010

a finished (kind of) project!

 So I normally get to sew every weekend (if you haven't noticed the pattern!)  Well my friend Heather was having a "sew-in" on Saturday and invited me over.  So I jumped at the chance to get to hang out with a friend and sew!

I took my spools to work on, along with my strings, and some other things, but those were the two things I worked on.

Here are some of the strings, they are 4.5" squares.  I am not sure how many I have done.  Quite a few more than are in this picture though :)

Here are my spools all put together.  It's not 100% done.  But you can see the dark brown I put between the rows.
 And here is the close up of that brown looking blob. . .Can you tell what it's supposed to be?
It's a kitty.  It's tail ended up a little wider than I would have liked, but I had to add a kitty to my sewing room wall hanging!! Hopefully I will get it finished and can hang it up!

I haven't added the pinwheels yet.  But I have A LOT, so we'll see where they end up going

 These are my extra "spools" I think I am going to sew them up and put them for sale on etsy.  I don't need two wall hangings :)

And my last thing is that I am excited to have found my sisters stuff for her T-shirt quilt!  Not enough time to get it done by the time I see her, but I have it, and hopefully by Christmas!

I haven't given up on my wonky log cabins, or my values quilt.  I just really wanted to get
the spools done!!


  1. Hey, sew-in friend! Thanks for stopping by, we'll have to do it again. Maybe some of your finished projects will wear off on me and I'll get more done than just a few appliqued leaves LOL.

  2. You go, girl! Really there is nothing better than a day spent sewing with a friend. Kitty is a nice addition to some fabulous spools!


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