05 October 2010

Strings strings so many strings!

 I have a lot of fabric, and I swear it's reproducing!! Especially my strings/crumbs.  So I posted on stashbuster (a yahoo group, it's GREAT! you should check it out!) asking about ideas for strings, which is something I have made before (ie my mini thread spools and my string quilt) but let me tell you, even after making those projects, my strings just keep on growing!!

 I got some good suggestions.  One of the ones that really spoke to me was doing a "wonky" log cabin.  I love log cabin after making my first one this year.  So I separated my strings out by color (again! why did I put them back in the box again?!)

And this is what I have so far!
And here are my spools! I have about three of each of them so far!

So that is what I am working on.  I have a lot of going on projects and nothing finished.  But hopefully I will get some finished either this weekend or next.  this weekend is iffy since my husband will be home this weekend :)

What do you do with your strings? Do you save them? do you pitch them?


  1. I love the colors! Also, like the wonky log cabin blocks. Can't wait to see your spool quilt all put together. I know, I didn't get it done today. :( I promise, tomorrow. ;)

  2. I have more I need to finish before I will be able to put it all together, I think I made enough spools, I just need to get the tops and sides put on now!

  3. I'm laughing out loud here because I tried to give my scraps away today! I swear they're going to take overy my sewing room. I do like the idea of sorting them by colors - haven't thought of that. If I had a Go! cutter I'd cut them all in 2 1/2" strips and throw the smaller bits away - maybe one of these days I'll get one. blessings, marlene

  4. well if you need someone to take your scraps away I can do my part :)

    I would like to keep them sorted by color, but I don't have enough storage :(

    Mine are to small/weird to be able to get them into those size strips. my smallest strips I cut are 1.5", and then if it's larger on side or slightly smaller or odd cut I will put it in my strings box.

    Thanks for the comment!


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