27 December 2014

Table runner #2

Here is the fall table runner I made for my mother in law. 

This one has a story. I posted pictures of some leaves I had made in the spring. I made them into a runner, well actually two. I knew where they were in my sewing room until I went to quilt them!

I searched high and low and just could not find them! So I ended up making the one you see above.

Well last night I finished the binding on a quilt. I didn't have any other pressing projects, so I decided to clean up my sewing room. Instead of organizing strips as I cut them I just leave them in a pile. As I was putting them away you'll never guess what I found! The original two table runners!

I was quite amused. 

1 comment:

  1. I know the feeling. I tidied my sewing space last week – oh! the stuff I found!


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