02 November 2010

Tee shirt quilt

 So I mentioned last night I mentioned my sister's tee shirt quilt. . .Here is what I have so far.  There are 22 squares, it feels like SO much more!  I think I am going to cut some more to make it enough for 16 on each side :)

 I do plan on adding sashing, but that will be a surprise, cause I don't want my sister to know yet!
This is the pile of scraps that I had when cutting the pieces down after ironing the interfacing on!

This thing will be massive, I hope a month and a half is enough time to finish it!


  1. THAT is a lot of tee shirts!!! Looking good, and I know you'll get it done. ;)

  2. Well some of them are front/backs, so that cuts gown on the number of shirts ;)

  3. Hey guess what I have blogger too! I like the sash idea! Love ya!

  4. I know you have a blogger :) that is why I am not giving away too much!


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