29 September 2010

Brown bags. . .

Well I shouldn't have JUST posted the contest entry.  I should have posted some of the stuff I have gotten done. . . But I blame it on being tired.  yeah I was tired ;)

What I have to tell you about tonight is the brown bag quilt contest.

There is more information about it here. (There is also a button on my side bar you can click) You sign up, send 2 yards of fabric to someone, they send 2 yards to you.  it's a great way to meet people and get out of your comfort zone!

I received my fabrics (and just got mine shipped! procrastinate much!) I received my fabric from Scrappy Pieces.

And here is the fabric I got:
It's going to be interesting putting this together, but these are not fabrics I would have picked out on my own!  I might have an idea of how to put them together. . . but we'll see!

I need to go to bed! I will talk to you all later!

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what you come up with! I'd been wondering if you signed up. :)


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