06 February 2018

ACK! January goals fail :(

Goals for 2018:
1. Post in my blog 7 times a month.  Even if I am just updating about how my leader/ender progress is coming.  I need to write!
- I think I am going to change this one to 4 times a month (that's once a week) a) because I don't get to sew that much and b) I haven't been able to sit down at the computer much (except for work :/)

2. Finish Quilts for my nephew (it's started), B for graduation (no clue what to do!), A for Christmas (log cabin), J for Christmas (scrappy strings). Make tee-shirt quilts (3).
- I have been working on scrappy strings but that's about it.

3. Organize and use my 2.5" squares.  I have been thinking about doing a color quilt with the different colored squares I have. 
- When I was cleaning things up I found a LOT more of these 2.5" squares.  My box had been getting smaller, but boom now it's full again :/ I have an idea of what I think I will be doing with them, they will work as leader/enders since I ran out of strips for my current leader ender project.

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