09 March 2015

Busy bee. . .

I have not been around, and not been able to do a lot of sewing, I have done a little, but nothing is finished that I could share.

The main reason I haven't been able to finish anything is because we recently got a foster daughter.  Since she is here I cannot just go "hide" in my sewing room, I need to be present.

So needless to say sewing time has been cut down.  I have a few minis I know what I am going to do, but just haven't started them.  I joined about three different swaps on instagram!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, how old is your foster daughter. I commend you for doing that because it is hard. My husband licenses foster homes.

    I have your blocks in the envelope and addressed. I just need to get to the post office. Maybe you will get them next week.


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