30 May 2013

Festival of Strings

Back in December I quilted my first string project (that was FULLY made with fabric I had on hand).  Here is the post, but I am adding the pictures here again.

It's the string X pattern that I found on Quiltville, Bonnie Hunters website.

I love how it turned out! I didn't get as much of a pattern as I would have liked with the backgrounds, but I was proud of myself for not buying anything.  I used whatever I had.

I had fun playing with the long arm on this project. One of my favorite spots was here where I "drew" straight lines.  I did waves in all the X's.

Here I made a flower

And you can see the waves here.

I am still getting to use to the long arm, and I forgot that even if the backing is the same size is the front, it won't fit with on the long arm because of needing extra to attach it.  So I had a border I had to finish up myself.

I have been saving bindings from projects I have been making for years now, I attach them to each other once the project is done, and that was the perfect binding for this

Now I know my original post was in December, but I didn't get this bad boy bound until February of this year.  And then I was really bad and I never took pictures of it finished! but I shipped it off to a friend.  But she did take some pictures for me:

I am entering Stitched in Color's Festival of Strings 

I am linking up to let's get acquainted.


  1. I need to deviate from just pantos and venture into free motion on my long arm.

  2. Very nice quilt. I like this setting and the color combinations. You did a great job. As for the long arm, all you can do is practice.....LOTS! I didn't enjoy practicing on scraps, so I just jumped in with some quilt tops and did lots of ripping, but eventually I figured it out. I watched some tutorials on you tube for ideas and techniques. Otherwise, just practice and have fun.


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