19 February 2013

School project

A family friends' son was doing a project for school. Their son chose to do a quilt block. So they came to me for help. I brought some fabric over (that his grandma had given me!) After C picked out his fabrics, his mom noted that she had actually had some clothes made out of that fabric when she was younger!  How neat is that!

Here is the young man sewing it. I drew a straight line at 1/4" for him to have a straight line.

Here are all the rows put together, he is sewing the front to the back.  If we wouldn't have been hand sewing then I probably would have had him put some binding on it.

Here is the finished pillow!  The only thing I helped with, was the quilting (tacking) on the front side. Also instead of teaching him to do a slip stitch (this was his first project!) we just stitched on the front.  I think he did a WONDERFUL job!

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