17 November 2012

Scrappy Jacobs ladder

So I have been posting about my scrappy Jacobs ladder.  I have shown you a few finished blocks, and some of them put together.  Well now it's the time to show you the FULL quilt!  I am quite excited about this, while I was making it, I was kind of eh (notice a pattern?! I don't like scrappy as much while I am working on it, but put it together! and boom! I fall in love!). This was going to be my first thing on the long arm. Well technically second. The first thing I made I haven't posted about because I haven't finished it yet! I wanted to have something to play with first, I didn't want this quilt to be my guinea pig! This quilt is my baby!

Although it doesn't belong to me anymore. I have shipped it off to my grandpa. I wish I could have given it to him in person, but living 6 hours away kind of hinders that. I have this desire to quilt for all the people I love. I made my grandma a quilt first, then my mom then my sisters, etc. I want to make everyone in my family quilts, but I am pretty sure I have said it before, but I am bound by my imagination. If I don't have an idea, the quilt won't come. I have been trying to decide what I would do for my grandpa. Making quilts for girls is easy. Making quilts for guys: SO TOUGH!!! Well I started the jacobs ladders block and decided it would be GREAT for my grandpa!

So I was able to get it whipped up in no time when I finally knew who it would be for :)

Without further ado here are pictures.


  1. So beautiful... I just love Jacobs Ladder quilts!

    1. Thank you! This was my first Jacobs ladder quilt, I have actually made some blocks, but not finished a quilt!

  2. I love this scrappy JL! Good job!

    1. Thank you! I am quite happy with how it turned out!

  3. What a fun quilt! I love scrap quilts because they are so colorful and give you so much to look at.

    You did a great job!

    1. I've started to love making scrappy quilts!

      Thank you!


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